2026 calendar photos wanted

What? Some of us are still hung over from New Year’s Eve, and you’re already thinking of 2026?


2026 calendar photos wanted

We have produced 20 “Museums in Motion” calendars in our current format, designed by the great David Dugan. To celebrate, we’ve created a puzzle of all the covers (pictured above) that you can buy. It’s a great look at our transit history all by itself.

In 2026, this design achieves “adulthood”: it’s the 21st edition with this look. We’re hoping for another great selection of photographs from all you talented shutterbugs out there.

Everything you need to know to submit is on our public Flickr Group. Click here and then read the first post under Discussions, entitled Submit your photos for our 2026 calendar before March 1, 2025. Save your photos directly to the Flickr site with the tag 2026msrcalendar.

Alternatively, once you have read the technical requirements on the Flickr site, you may email your candidate photos to us at feedback@streetcar.org. If your original is too big to email, send us a low-res version and let us know what the original size is. (You can pose questions at that same email address.)

While you’re on our Flickr site, enjoy the thousands of heritage streetcar and cable car photos taken by dedicated photographers over the years, proving again how unique San Francisco’s operation is. Our calendar is for sale at our museum and in our online store (still time to get your 2025 calendar, but hurry).

2026 calendar photos wanted

Every photographer featured in the calendar gets five complementary calendars for friends and of course fame! Seriously though, the great images of Muni’s heritage streetcars and cable cars help reinforce support among opinion leaders for the continued operation of these vehicles.

And that will be more crucial in 2026 than ever.


Comments: 1

  1. We have visited San Francisco five times and we have fallen in love with your magnificent city. Its transport network but especially your historic streetcars on lines E and F as well as the cable cars are truly enchanting. At our age, we may never return but receiving news from you prolongs our youth. In my youth I participated in the creation of a historic streetcar line (tramway in french) and seeing your PCCs in service is a great joy.
    Kind regards
    Jean-Pierre LAMOITTE from France.

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