Left to right: Craig Walker, Nick Figone, Alison Cant, and Bill Smalley put the finishing touches on their deep clean of the Blackpool Boat Tram in the shadow of the US Mint. Rick Laubscher photo.
Market Street Railway volunteers ‘deep-cleaned’ the 1934 Blackpool, England ‘Boat Tram‘ at our Pharr Division facility on May 18. In true nautical tradition, they polished the brasswork and chrome, replaced the worn flags, and completely cleaned hard to reach places inside the tram as well as the exterior.
Kudos to our volunteers: Alison Cant, Nick Figone, Bob Fox, Peter Lauterborn, Don McKinsey, Bill Smalley, Craig Walker, Bill Wong, and Don Zwicker, with special thanks to Muni’s Karl Johnson for operating No. 228 from Geneva to Duboce and back.
Click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities with Market Street Railway, or send and email inquiry to our volunteer coordinator, Nick Figone, at nfigone@streetcar.org.