What a Weekend!
As you can see on our recap at the top of the main page, Muni Heritage Weekend was a real humdinger. What was especially great was the large number of families that came out to enjoy the vintage vehicles. SFMTA had some specific events to attract kids including cable car bell ringing practice with 10-time champion Carl Payne, design your own streetcar, and more.
“Coming to Town” Talk to Help Open Salesforce Transit Center August 11
“The bell is charming; the horn works”
Celebrating Dashiell Hammett’s 120th Birthday
Tipple Your Way Along the F-line
Walgreen’s Invents New Transit Vehicle
Underneath the very intersection of historic transit in San Francisco, in the basement of the old Emporium (now a food court named — wait for it — the Food Emporium), is a shiny new Walgreen’s. Kind of a mini-Walgreen’s, actually. There are a couple of bigger ones within a block or two (are drug stores multiplying like Starbucks?)
New Field Guide to SF’s Historic Streetcars & Cable Cars
On the Good Ship Lollipop
Our E-line Vision Gaining Attention
Recently restored E-line PCC streetcar No. 1008 switches off the F-line tracks onto the connector track that will take it the rest of the way on The Embarcadero during America’s Cup service August 25, 2013. The special E-line connector track has been in place almost a decade, waiting for the full-time startup of the line. Refurbishment of this car and others allows for full time E-line service to begin as soon as Muni funds it. Brian Leadingham photo.
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