History Spotlight
Magic Carpet Ride
What Would You Have Saved From the Old Boneyard?
[caption id="attachment_9959" align="alignleft" width="700"] “Bone Yard” at Funston and Lincoln Way, 1944, SFMTA Archive.[/caption]
Waiting for Muni, About 1940
Patriotic Celebration, 1909
Vintage Pride: 1983
Geneva Car Barn & Powerhouse Gets Funding
[caption id="attachment_9866" align="alignleft" width="700"] Here’s an artist’s concept of how the restored Geneva Car Barn and Powerhouse might look, looking southwest across the intersection of Geneva and San Jose Avenue.[/caption]
Shoppers’ Shuttle
In the early 1950s, as tens of thousands of San Francisco families decamped for the new surrounding suburbs, merchants grew more and more anxious about getting customers into their stores. Muni’s response: a “Shoppers’ Shuttle” — actually two of them, one serving Market Street/Union Square and one the “Miracle Mile of Mission” between about 16th Street and Army Street (now Cesar Chavez Street).
Happy 125th to San Francisco Electric Streetcars
[caption id="attachment_9538" align="alignright" width="700"] Double-ended San Mateo Streetcar 25 at Geneva Car House Yard | Circa March 1903. SFMTA Photo Archives.[/caption]
Buses & Streetcars: New Exhibit at SF Railway Museum
[caption id="attachment_9435" align="alignleft" width="700"] View Northeast on Market Street From 2nd Street | March 29, 1951. SFMTA Archives[/caption]
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