Fort Mason Streetcar Extension: Questions Answered
Some of you may have seen the Examiner article discussing the proposed streetcar extension to the western Wharf, Aquatic Park, and Fort Mason. We’ve talked about the extension here before. The planning process has been moving along with preparation of a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS), expected to be ready for public comment early next year when, to the surprise of virtually everyone involved in the project, Supervisor Michaela Alioto-Pier pops up and asks that no city money be appropriated for design or construction of the project until the EIS is complete and a funding plan is prepared. (To which we say, fair enough — that’s pretty much the way the process works anyway.)
10% Muni Service Cuts Take Effect on May 8, 2010
Cable car tracks never to be used again. Walt Vielbaum photo.
Streetsblog SF Liveblogging SFMTA Board Meeting
As the SFMTA Board of Directors hears public comment on proposed actions to address a $16.9 million deficit, Streetsblog San Francisco’s Bryan Goebel is there liveblogging coverage.
“Human Error” Most Likely Reason LRV Rear-Ended Milan Tram
The Chronicle reports on that Muni spokesman Judson True has stated, “Human error is the most likely cause of the accident” that badly damaged a Milan tram this morning. The report states that while tests are still under way, Muni has found no
LRV Rear-Ends Milan Tram, 3 Hurt
At 6:20 this morning, an LRV, rolling along the exclusive streetcar right-of-way on the J-line in the median of San Jose Avenue, somehow managed, at a significant rate of speed, to rear end vintage Milan tram No. 1814 hospitalizing three people and causing serious damage to both vehicles. The Chronicle has posted a breaking news story on
Calling for 2011 Calendar Submissions
Market Street Railway produces a calendar each year featuring San Francisco’s historic streetcars and cable cars. The Museums in Motion calendar is an important project to us as both a thank you to members (included with membership of $100 or more) to raise funds for our non-profit work preserving historic transit.
NO Fare Increase for F-line
Facing opposition from several members of the San Francisco Municipal
$5 for an F-line Ride? Open Letter to Nat Ford
To: Nat Ford, SFMTA
From: Rick Laubscher, Market Street Railway
Remembering Harold Geissenheimer
Harold Geissenheimer died earlier this month. He was a long-time transit executive and rabid streetcar fan who played a key role in creating the F-line.
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