All cars built at Elkton Shops proudly wore this decal, preserved here on sole survivor No. 798: "This Car a San Francisco Product, Built in Our Own Shops. Market St. Ry. Co."
Photo of the Moment
Photo of the Moment: Ride and Relax in the Rain
PCC No. 1078 at the F-line Wharf terminal on its first day back carrying passengers, January 19, 2012. Click to enlarge.
Photo of the (Past) Moment: Christmas 1944
San Francisco Municipal Railway streetcar No. 1 on Stockton Street at Market, the terminal of the original F-Stockton line, Christmas Day 1944. Roy D. Graves photo, Market Street Railway Archives.
Photo of the Moment: Tracking Testing and Training
In the gloaming on West Portal Avenue, PCCs honoring Toronto (1074) and Los Angeles (1080) are about to turn onto the L-Taraval line for testing and training, December 8, 2011. Photo copyright Jeremy Whiteman.
Photo of the (Past) Moment: Hey, Santa, Where’s Your Nickel?
Photo of the Moment: Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
Click photo to enlarge
Photos of the Moment: A Different View
Click photos to enlarge
Photo of the Moment: All-Inclusive Cruise
Among F-line operators, there are many who appreciate the history of the vintage streetcars. One of them, Jose Alvarez, often goes the extra mile to share that history with his passengers.
Christmas in July?
Photo of the Moment: The Streak
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