Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you haven’t. A couple of months ago, we got a call asking whether we recognized the location of a film. We did — Pacific Avenue. We had never seen motion pictures of that line, which closed in 1929. Now, the video has been posted on YouTube, with additional information on the provenance of the film.
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Update: 916 Test Cut Short; Not Out the Rest of the Weekend
“Zurich” Car to Return To Service Soon?
Look what was testing in Cameron Beach Yard on Sunday (July 8).
Buses on F-line, No E-line Sunday, June 24
Last Public Vintage Streetcar Charter of 2018: June 16
Meet MSR Board Chair Carmen Clark April 17
Colors, Forms of the F-line
Visit Us at San Francisco History Days March 3-4
Visit the Old Mint on Fifth Street March 3-4 and join dozens of organizations, including Market Street Railway and SFMTA, celebrating and telling the stories of our City’s unique past.
Say ‘G’day’ to Melbourne on the E-line this weekend
Rebuilt PCC 1050 Heads to SF, Honoring St. Louis
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