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End of the B-Geary, 60 Years Ago
Take a 1950 Trolley Bus to Streetcar Movies Sept. 24
2017 Calendar Now on Sale!
Celebrate the colorful streetcars and cable cars of San Francisco with our 2017 calendar, now on sale in our online store and at our San Francisco Railway Museum across from the Ferry Building at 77 Steuart Street.
Celebrate 99 Years of the J-Church July 10
Second Century for C-1
F-line Streetcars Back On Market. For One Day. Maybe.
SFMTA just issued this news release, proclaiming that the teardown of Super Bowl City has been completed a day early, so Muni service on lower Market Street is resuming tonight (Thursday, February 11). That should include F-line streetcars, though the announcement doesn’t make that explicit.
Super Bowl Sidelines Streetcars This Weekend
Video Birthday Card
Muni turns 103 this week (December 28) — the first publicly owned big city transit system in the United States.
Seems only fitting to celebrate history with videos of Muni’s historic vehicles, keeping the past present in the future. First, F-line streetcars, shot this past summer by one of our best contributing photographers, Kevin Mueller:
And, to bookend the streetcars, some of the best natural sound we’ve heard on a cable car video. Just a pure ride, the only music coming from the percussive click of the cable, the ratchet of the hand brake, and of course, the bells.
Happy Birthday, Muni!
Members’ Day at the Museum Dec. 19: 20% Discount
Saturday, December 19 is the day for Market Street Railway Members to get great deals on gifts (including ones for yourself!) at our San Francisco Railway Museum.
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