Muni’s Cable Car Carpentry Shop has worked its magic many times in bringing sagging and spent cable cars back to life. Powell Car 8, which reentered service in 2022, may be its greatest accomplishment yet.
Cable Car 8: art, craft, or both?
For 149 years, San Francisco’s cable cars have been exemplars of craft, sculptures in wood and metal reflecting the talents of carpenters, metal workers, painters, electricians, and others. They absorb the jolts and lurches inherent in their daily operation, carrying millions of passengers over decades of daily service before their joints finally loosen and rot and rust take a big enough toll to require rebuilding.
Final restored PCC back home
The last of 16 streamlined PCC streetcars completely rebuilt for Muni by Brookville Equipment Company was delivered to its owner today.
Sacramento Street on Powell!
Welcome Back, Cable Car 22!
Our Spies are Everywhere!
“Boston” is Back!
Third PCC Goes Into Rehab
Flagship Powell Cable Car Slips Into Service
Without fanfare, the latest product of Muni’s able cable car shops has rejoined the fleet after a full restoration and makeover.
On Donner!
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