In case you haven’t noticed the Blue Angels’ rehearsal flights over San Francisco in the last few day, U.S. Navy Fleet Week kicks off tomorrow with the Parade of Ships beginning at 11:30am.

The Blue Angels, courtesy U.S. Navy.
Thanks to event sponsor CVS/Pharmacy service to and from this weekends events on the wharves on the F-Market & Wharves historic streetcar will be be free both Saturday and Sunday. Muni will be adding extra service to both the F-line and 47-Van Ness bus route, but expect crowds to be very heavy.
Events being held at the wharves this weekend include ship tours, air shows, concerts, and a fireworks show saturday night. Also being held this year is a special exhibit on the Navy in Space at Fort Mason to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 and 12 missions. See the events calendar for schedule details.