Market Street Railway could not have accomplished many things without the support of civic- and history-minded businesses and foundations that share our love for San Francisco. We share their names and logos of our current major business supporters above and below.
Business support of the historic streetcars dates back to the first Trolley Festival in 1983, when several businesses sponsored the appearance of vintage streetcars leased from museums to participate in the Festival. The next year, 1984, Embarcadero Center donated funding to allow our leaders to rescue our namesake’s sole surviving home-built streetcar, 1924 Market Street Railway Streetcar 798.
Also in the mid 1980s, the venerable San Francisco-based engineering-construction giant Bechtel arranged for the transportation of the first 1934 Blackpool “boat tram” that Muni owned for itself. (Market Street Railway negotiated the donation of this wonderful streetcar.) In 2012, a generous grant from the Thoresen Foundation, coupled with shipping arranged by FedEx, allowed us to acquire and transport a second boat tram to Muni.
We salute the foundations and businesses that help us “Keep the Past Present in the Future” in San Francisco, and ask that you support them as well. Thank you.
Here’s a listing of some of our major business and foundation sponsors:
Benefactor Level ($5,000 or more)
Sponsor Level ($2,500-4,999)
Supporter Level ($1,000-2,499)
Thank you to all our foundation and business supporters!