Were he still alive, Harvey Milk would turn 80 this coming Saturday. This year California will honor it as the first Harvey Milk Day and locally the Castro District will be celebrating one of our greatest local heroes with a full day of activities.
Market Street Railway is hosting an open house–or perhaps, open trolley is more appropriate–in no. 1051. The streetcar which is painted in Muni’s green and cream scheme of Harvey’s era made a brief appearance in the film Milk and was dedicated in 2008 to honor his transit advocacy. Muni has donated use of the trolley for the day and it will be parked at the corner of Market & Castro next to the F-line stop from 10am-5pm.

We need volunteers to serve as docents onboard, selling merchandise and answering questions at our booth. Times are flexible, but 2-hour shifts start at 9:30 and those who volunteer for 4-hours or longer will receive one our brand new “F-line: ride me to the Castro” t-shirts.
We’ll have the t-shirts as well as other neighborhood related merchandise on sale at our booth on Saturday. Send an e-mail jamison@streetcar.org if you are interested in volunteering or would like to know more. Or drop by to learn more about Market Street Railway.