Muni’s first streetcar, No. 1, poses at 11th and Market streets December 28, 2012. Moments earlier, it passed Market and Geary almost exactly 100 years to the minute from its first ever trip from that same location, out Geary with Mayor “Sunny Jim” Rolph at the controls to inaugurate America’s first major publicly owned transit system. Here, it’s flanked by Muni’s oldest operable trolley coach, 1950 No. 776, and its oldest operating motor coach, 1938 No. 042. All carried passengers for free rides that day. Rick Laubscher photo.
Muni’s Centennial Day December 28 was a success, in large part thanks to Market Street Railway’s members and friends who came out to celebrate by riding vintage vehicles, including those pictured here. Muni’s governing body made all rides on the system free that day to honor the centennial. The cable cars were packed, with long lines at the Powell line terminals in particular, taking advantage of the unprecedented freebie. (If you think about it, a round trip from Powell and Market to the Wharf for a family of four is $48 regularly, so this was some bargain!)
Muni officials have stated they intend to continue the centennial celebration into 2013, and we’ll be there to help. We’ll also be advocating for restoration of additional historic Muni vehicles, and the establishment of an annual “Muni Heritage Day,” scheduled well in advance to let friends from around the world come to town for special rides on historic streetcars, cable cars and buses.
We’ll also continue our advocacy for more frequent and efficient historic streetcar service, including start up of the E-Embarcadero line and its extension to Fort Mason on the west and Pier 70 on the south, creating a line five miles long that links all the historic attractions along San Francisco’s northeast and central waterfront.
We need your help to do these things. If you’re not a member already, please consider joining. You can also support us with a donation. Thanks, and Happy 2013.
Wonderful picture Rick and three great restored vehicles! We have similar vintage streetcars and trolley buses at the Oregon Electric Railway Museum, but no bus. Congrat’s to San Francisco and Market St. Ry.
Something that is done in New York City with their historic bus fleet is special weekday service in vintage buses during December and vintage train service on weekends between Thanksgiving and New Years. While vintage rail equipment runs regularly in San Francisco, perhaps something like what New York does can be done by Muni.
Good luck in 2013 with the Americas Cup and perhaps a Lombardi Trophy to follow up that Giants World Series.