The Chronicle reports on that Muni spokesman Judson True has stated, “Human error is the most likely cause of the accident” that badly damaged a Milan tram this morning. The report states that while tests are still under way, Muni has found no
problem with the J-Church train or the tracks.

At 6:20 this morning, a Breda LRV on the J-Church line rear-ended a Milan tram stopped on the track ahead. F-line streetcars use J-line tracks to go to and from their storage and maintenance facility. As indicated in this photo, the rear end of the Milan tram (No. 1814) was shoved in a considerable distance.
It is not yet known whether the main frame under the car has been seriously compromised, but at a minimum the damage will take a long time to repair. The injury toll is now reported as five people, including the operator of the Milan tram. None of the injuries is said to be life threatening.
The Chronicle quotes Muni chief Nat Ford as saying, “This accident is completely unacceptable. We must and we will continue our efforts to ensure the safety of our customers.”
After learning of the 250 ft streetcar spacing, the operator should be terminated… This needs to be put in the contract as a no exception and should not be arbitrated. The operator knows the rules and should be Terminated! Doesn’t Muni have enough budget problems than to continually repair streetcars damaged by incompetent operators.
Redding, Ca.
Native San Franciscan
Chuck, despite the fact that termination is likely when a Muni operator damages a historic streetcar, it needs to deal with the Union.
It isn’t just Muni. There have also been reports recently of collisions attributed to inattentive operators and poor maintenance on Boston’s Green Line (nearest thing to Muni Metro in the US) and Washington DC Metro (which is more like BART, and should have fewer opportunities for “operator error”, but reportedly has gotten to the point where riders who are “in the know” don’t ride the first or last car in a Metro train)
I fully agree with Chuck these rear end accidents are unacceptable especially on a right-of-way. This is getting old, these drivers must learn to take their jobs seriously and follow the rules for the sake of the equipment, the passengers, and the general public. Some of these drivers do not appear to respect or appreciate their jobs, Muni, or the history of the equipment they are operating and operating around. It might be time to “thin the herd” and hire drivers that will appreciate and respect their jobs. I know the good old drivers union will not allow this to happen, but at some point someone has to say enough is enough!