Important Muni Meeting Tuesday

Transit Effectiveness Project LogoMuni has been working on its Transit Effectiveness Project for two years now, trying to make service more effective. This is an important project, because it will determine which lines receive the most operating and capital funding, based on how they fit into the overall network and how many people they carry. “Rapid” is the highest category. We at MSR are pleased to see that after staff initially classified the “F” line as “local” service (even though it met every criterion they set out for “Rapid”), they looked more closely and reclassified both the F and the future E-line as Rapid.

You may have other lines you care deeply about. If so, you should consider going to City Hall, Room 400, at either 3:30 or 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 16 for public hearings on the TEP before the Board of Directors of Muni’s parent, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. Speaking up can make a difference — supporting the F and E lines as part of the “Rapid Network”, supporting the TEPs call for increased service on the F, and early start up of the E, or expressing your views on other Muni lines important to you.

Here’s a complete look at the TEP, including line-by-line impacts. You can also email your comments on the TEP to MTA Board members before the meeting.


Comments: 5

  1. The MTA Board meeting at which the proposed TEP changes will be further discussed has been rescheduled for October 21 at 2:00 p.m., Room 400, City Hall. At the initial meeting, there was noticeable public support for the inclusion of the E and F lines in the “rapid network,” and we believe the Board will endorse that. As indicated in the original post, though, it’s always a good idea to email comments of support (you can use the link in the main post).

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