At 6:20 this morning, an LRV, rolling along the exclusive streetcar right-of-way on the J-line in the median of San Jose Avenue, somehow managed, at a significant rate of speed, to rear end vintage Milan tram No. 1814 hospitalizing three people and causing serious damage to both vehicles. The Chronicle has posted a breaking news story on

Tram no. 1814 at Geneva Yard. Stock photo.
The front page photo on that leads to the story caused great consternation because it showed a stock photo of 1914 Muni streetcar No. 162, just recently returned to service after a 50 year absence from the streets of San Francisco. But No. 162 was NOT involved in the incident.
Inquiries we made to front-line Muni people indicate that the Milan tram, pulling out of the car barn to go into service on the F-line, was stopped because of a line delay ahead of it, when the operator of the following J-line LRV (reportedly No. 1438) rear-ended him, despite a rule requiring 250 feet of separation between streetcars on the same line. No current information on the condition of the injured parties, who included the operator of the Milan tram.
The Milan tram was apparently a “bystander” in the accident. Its rear end was reportedly telescoped approximately 18 inches, indicating a severe impact.
This will further exacerbate the F-Line equipment shortage.
Lee Carlson
THIS HAS TO STOP!! All operators must be made aware, and made to obey, speed and separation limits. An accident like this should not happen, if operators are obeying the limits. MUNI is having enough problems, with lack of money and getting enough cars to meet the rider demand on the F line. Without now having to spend more to repair a Milan Tram and a LRV! Stop this already!! Hope the injured recover soon.