Yesterday, the SFMTA Board of Directors voted on a range of measures to begin close the year end deficit currently figured to be $12.1 million. The meeting ran over and will be continued until Tuesday, but some decisions were made on Friday including a 10% cut in Muni service. Unlike the changes made in December, no routes or segments of routes will be eliminated as happened with Decembers cuts and there will be no new or increased service to offset the cuts.

Reduced service will comes through less frequent service, including a reduction in overnight “Owl” service which will now run only once and hour.
Also approved was an increase in fare for cable car and express bus riders by excluding them from the $60/month Muni-only “M” Fast Pass and requiring the riders use a premium $70 “A” pass or pay an additional $5 even with the “M” Fast Pass.
The Board voted against raising the Senior/Disabled and Youth passes by another $10, though an already-approved increase will still take effect raising the discount Fast Passes to $20 starting May 1.
The Board declined to eliminate free Sunday parking and extend parking meters hours in favor of a pilot project contingent on finding neighborhoods willing to participate in the pilot. SFMTA staff projected last year the extended hours and elimination of free parking would bring in an additional $17.4 million along with increasing turnover in parking spaces.
The Board will meet again on Tuesday, March 2 at noon to continue the budget discussion. Public comment can be made at the board meeting, or email
A protest march against Muni is planned for Monday, March 1 at 5:00 pm at the corner of Powell & Market.