Like everyone in San Francisco, we miss the LGBTQ Pride Parade up Market Street this year. At least we can share a look back, framed with pleasure.
Car 1
107 Years Ago Today
On December 28, 1912, ten shiny gray streetcars with brick-red roofs lined up on Geary Street, from Kearny Street to Grant Avenue. The first, Numbered 1 in gold leaf outlined in black, opened its black scissor gate. Up stepped the Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco, James Rolph, Jr.
Muni: 106 and Counting
Buses on F-line, No E-line Sunday, June 24
Opening Day, with Car 1!
Happy 105th Birthday, Muni!
Hail and Farewell, Mayor Ed Lee
The Lineup
Take Famed Streetcar No. 1 to See “Lost Landscapes”
Celebrating Muni’s Big Day December 28
Muni’s famed streetcar No. 1, on its very first run, with Mayor James Rolph, Jr. at the controls, headed west on Geary at Jones, December 28, 1912. San Francisco History Room, San Francisco Public Library photo.
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