Welcome Back, Harvey Milk’s Streetcar!
“Service Improvement” on the F-line? You decide.
E-line NextBus Map Working!
NextBus, Muni’s vendor for live displays showing where every vehicle is on every route, has launched the full-time E-Embarcadero map. You can now see what’s on both the E- and F-lines by clicking here, then selecting the map you want: F-line only, E-line only, or a combination (as shown in the screenshot above).
Buses Back on the F as E Starts Daily Service
Today marks the beginning of daily service on the E-Embarcadero historic streetcar line, which will now run daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Fisherman’s Wharf to AT&T Park and the Caltrain Depot along The Embarcadero and King Street. It’s a major service expansion following nine months of the weekend-only service that inaugurated this long-anticipated line.
“Super Bust 50”
F-line, Our Museum Adapt to Super Bowl Week
Hoodline Reports on Our Agenda
The popular San Francisco neighborhood news website, Hoodline, reports on Market Street Railway’s priorities for improving historic streetcar service.
Video Birthday Card
Muni turns 103 this week (December 28) — the first publicly owned big city transit system in the United States.
Seems only fitting to celebrate history with videos of Muni’s historic vehicles, keeping the past present in the future. First, F-line streetcars, shot this past summer by one of our best contributing photographers, Kevin Mueller:
And, to bookend the streetcars, some of the best natural sound we’ve heard on a cable car video. Just a pure ride, the only music coming from the percussive click of the cable, the ratchet of the hand brake, and of course, the bells.
Happy Birthday, Muni!
Wires, Yes. Super Bowl Week Streetcars, Still No.
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