F-line PCCs Move to Metro East on Friday
Milan trams stored together with LRVs at Muni Metro East shortly after their move there, August 2012. Peter Ehrlich photo.
Opposition to F-Line Fare Increase Keeps Growing
All-Door Boarding on All Muni Vehicles
Muni has just implemented all-door boarding, the first system in the country to do so. That includes F-line streetcars. People with cash must board at the front door, but those with Clipper cards, Muni Passports, or valid transfers (any proof of payment) can board (legally) at the back doors.
Photos of the Moment: A Different View
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More F-line Service. But More Streetcars?
Pilot PCC No. 1071 on a test run at the L-Taraval Zoo terminal, September 29
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